The Red Deer & District Kennel Club and the BTCA Regional Specialty Show provided another opportunity for the MacKendrick Bostons to "show their stuff"
Alice (Ch. MacKendrick Thru Lookin Glass) continued her winning way with a Group 4 placement under Judge Sharon Derrick (handled by Christine Reihl). Her cousin Ronnie (MacKendrick Wil'Thing at LNSTR) took Winners Bitch & Best of Winners (picture not available)
Magicmists Dark Embrace (Smudge), son of Brian Craven's SunGlo's Legacy of Achilles, took the Dog points and was judged Best of Opposite by Judge Sharon Derrick
The BTCA Regional Specialty was a modest success with Smudge taking Winners Dog and Alice an Award of Merit (pictures not available). Above, Rocky (Oui Will We Will Rock You at LoneStar) and his daughters Ronnie (MacKendrick Wil'Thing) and Alice (Ch. MacKendrick Thru Lookin Glass) received the award for Best Sire & Get under Judge Cathy Cinnimon